She writes; She types
MMJ World
Sunday, December 16, 2012 | 14:01 | 0 comments

Happy 3rd Month, MMJ World (December 14 2012). I've been part of it just recently, but I promised myself to be loyal to this fan club. 

As we celebrate our third month, instead of having a party or whatnot, we decided to share our blessings to others. Yesterday, we donated some stuff/s to those who got affected by typhoon Pablo. It's our own little way to help and to give happiness. And we all know that it's almost Christmas - it's time for sharing and giving not only receiving. 

Again, If you're willing to donate any stuff, any amount or any relief goods,  come on, it's not too late to help. Advanced Merry Christmas, everyone. 

Give love.

xx; A.

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